Symbols and Meanings



The AGISS Crest is composed of a shield within a circle; the top part portrays an Eagle with a pen in its beak standing on a book and the lower part has the AGISS motto: AIM HIGH.  The following are the symbols in the shield and their meaning.

The message portrayed by the Crest always serves as a driving force and inspiration for both teachers and students.  The pioneering staff of the school are credited with design of such a crest.  The crest is made up of the eagle, a book, and a pen, which indicates that students are expected to be sharp-sighted, keen and enduring in their academic work.  The motto “AIM HIGH” implies that the sky should be the limit for students in their academic pursuit and never to pave way for mediocrity or complacency.


THE EAGLE : represents sharp-sightedness.

THE PEN AND THE BOOK: stands for the academic excellence that has to be achieved.

THE MOTTO:  AIM HIGH is found under the shield.  The motto aim high implies that the sky should be the limit for students in their academic pursuit and never to pave way for mediocrity or complacency.